I get many questions about inspections from both the buyer and listing side of buying and selling homes. In a previous blog post, I went over some basics of home inspections, going over things like cost, what kind of inspections etc. Be sure to check it out incase you missed it.
Seller’s often ask what can they do to ensure a smooth home inspection. After all, they got their home under contract, they don’t want to lose out on that buyer.
Whether you are a buyer or a seller, the inspections part of the home transaction is a very nerve wracking thing.
As a seller, rather than leave things up to chance, it’s better to be proactive to fix what you can, b/c lets face it, you are going to find out about it anyway! Knowledge is power they say right?!
Below I have outlined a few things you are do to eliminate surprises from your home inspection.Â
1) Get a pre-listing inspection.
I often encourage this but it is not always done. Getting a pre listing inspection can put you ahead of the game on major issues. This includes a plumbing inspection, especially on a slab home. Getting a pre-listing inspection does not mean you will have to fix every little thing but it will mean you will have to disclose somethings you chose not to fix.
2) Clean and service your HVAC.
Although this should be done twice a year but it often goes forgotten about until you have a problem. Getting this done ahead of time and showing a clean bill of health can ease a potential buyers minds.
3) Check switches and outlets.
By this I mean – something simple as flipping all switches to
make sure all your light bulbs work, and plugging your phone charger in to make sure all outlets work. Side note, – Often in home inspections, GFCI outlets come up. They are needed on all exterior outlets and in bathrooms and kitchen within 3 feet of water. So If you know you don’t have them, consider making this inexpensive change.
4) Open and close windows
If you know they aren’t already painted shut. (common in older NOLA homes)
5) Clean up caulking and grout
Checking windows outside and grout and caulk in the
bathrooms can make your home appear a lot cleaner and maintained. You may not think buyer will see this because you don’t notice it everyday but they will.
6) Check for peeling paint and rotten wood
Take a walk around your home’s exterior and check for peeling paint and rotten wood on decking, window & door frames and soffits. It this is something that needs to be cleaned up, do it now before listing. Depending on the type of loan your buyer gets (for example a FHA loan), this may need to be done to ensure the loan goes through
7) Check the fireplace
If you have one, check it, We don’t use fireplaces often in NOLA but an inspector will light gas logs or check the flute to ensure its working
8) Have pool equipment checked
If you have a pool, have someone come inspect the equipment, especially if you haven’t done this in a while. Checking valves, pressure, etc. Chances are a major reason someone is buying your home is for the pool, so make sure its in proper working order because a buyer will most likely ask for repairs in a home inspection.
9) Make attics and garages accessible.
You don’t have to completely clean it out but if you
have shoved stuff up there since you moved in, you will have to move it eventually, start now so the inspector has full access to your attic for inspections.Â
10) Leave instructions or notes for the inspector.
If something is quirky, or may be different, let your agent know or leave a note for the inspector. Example – often a light switch will control an outlet in the living room. I’ve had an inspector mark the outlet and switch as inoperable just because he didn’t think to check them together. If you have remotes for fans or fireplaces etc, leave those out tooÂ
Have a question about anything I mentioned above? email me at robyn@robynsbruno.com